Vocabulary: fall list #5

Venomous- person on their behavior 

Stolid- calm, dependable

Hypnotized- capture the whole attention of someone facinate 

Suspended- temporaily prevent from continuing or being in force or effect

Transformed- make a through or dramatic change in the form, appearance, or character of 

Accuse- claime that someone has done something wrong 

Anticipate- expected or predict 

Fringe- clothing or material 

Melancholy- having a feeling of melancholy; sad and pensive 

Earnestly- intense conviction seriously

Dissolve- close down or dismiss 

Aggravate- annoy or exasperate, especially persistently 

Illuminate- decorate with gold, silver, or colored designs 

Capillary- forms a network between 
the arterioles and venules 

Proboscis- the nose of a mammal, especially when it is long and mobile 


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